Call for Outsiders and Outcasts

Outsiders and outcasts are those who deviate from the way of human-kind.

Homosapiens has the tendency to take the "common"
as the only correct "sense" and accepts it without question or resistance. They only regard the majorities rule as
good and excludes minorities.

Bohemia wants outsiders and outcasts.

We have not yet fully explored
the possibilities of what comics hold.

Are the possibilities as high as
the summit of the unexplored peak
that soars as if it were mocking
our everyday life?
Or is it a gigantic creature on
the verge of extinction lurking in
the trench leading from the Toyama Trough?

In any case, to take a step further
into what can be,
we are exploring different genres of comics.

Here, the ordinary becomes art
The extraordinary into reality
Let sorrow be a song
Pen and paper in both hands

I would like to share with you all
The joy that comes from the category of manga
With a moment of peace


Bring it in directly

You can directly bring your work to Mandarake!
Original works not published commercially are accepted,
regardless of whether they are professional, amateur,
or of any genre. There are no standards for manuscripts.

We are accepting submissions even at the planning stages.
If you are going to bring in your work, please call
the Mandarake Nakano branch and make an appointment before visiting the office.

By mail

You can mail your work to us!
Please send us a photocopy of your analog manuscript or a printout of your digital manuscript (Please match the output size) to the address stated below.
Please include your name, address, age, occupation, telephone number, e-mail address, and a brief biography on a separate sheet of paper.

Submission via the Web

If your work is available as a data format, please submit it using the dedicated form below.

If you are an author we would like to contact, we will send you a reply within a week.
We will not return any of your subbmitted items.


Mandarake Nakano Branch
A voice guidance will be played. Press the number 5 then 1 while the voice guidance is playing. Please ask for "Bohemia Newcomer Recruitment".


Tokyo, Nakano City, Nakano, 5-52-15 Mandarake Bohemia Publishing